
Showing posts from September, 2010

integration of recaptcha in java web application

Step 1. Register your account and get key First, go to the reCAPTCHA web site and create an account. As part of that account creation process you'll have to specify the domain your reCAPTCHA will be protecting. The reCAPTCHA site will will give you a key pair for that domain. The key pair allows you to authenticate your reCAPTCHA requests to the reCAPTCHA servers, as we'll see. Step 2. Put reCAPTCHA JavaScript code in your application Following JavaScript code you need to put in your JSP / HTML page, This JavaScript will generate the reCAPTCHA box when users request the page: You need to put with the public key that you received during the account creation process. Be careful that you don't use your private key by mistake . If you do that then everybody will be able to see your private key and act like they're you. Step 3. add a following code in servlet public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletRespo...

settings for Pentaho BI Server with MySQL DB

 After extracting on computer then directory structure as follows : \pentaho\ adminstration-console\ \pentaho\ biserver-ce\ For setting up Pentaho BI Server you need to change in biserver-ce directory biserver-ce\ pentaho-solutions\System\applicationContext-spring-security-jdbc.xml biserver-ce\ pentaho-solutions\System\ biserver-ce\ pentaho-solutions\System\ hibernate\hibernate-settings.xml biserver-ce\ pentaho-solutions\System\ hibernate\ mysql5.hibernate.cfg.xml biserver-ce\ tomcat\web-apps\pentaho\WEB-INF\web.xml ...

Pentaho Business intelligence Server 3.5 stable

Pentaho Business intelligence Server 3.5 stable most important file you will need to download is the from sourceforge . After you have downloaded and extracted the ZIP file in any location of computer. For example I extract zip file on my c: then directory structure as follows : c:\pentaho\ adminstration-console\ biserver-ce\ We have to do major change in biserver-ce directory. Note :- when you extract you also get SQL Script on following location biserver-ce-3.5.0.stable\biserver-ce\data Database settings download the SQL Script Pack for MySQL 5.x and extract in any location of computer. Following three scripts required to configure pentaho server create_repository_mysql.sql create_quartz_mysql.sql load_sample_users_mysql.sql If you want examples then install remaining scripts create_sample_datasource_mysql.sql sample_data_mysql.sql After l...

Pentaho Community Edition 3.5.0

Pentaho Community Edition 3.5.0 The Pentaho BI Suite Community Edition [CE] is an open source business intelligence package that includes ETL, analysis, metadata, and reporting capabilities. The suite is composed of server components and client tools. The server components [also referred to as the BI Platform] consist of the BI Server, the administration console and the user console. The BI server is responsible for management and delivery of reports. Some of the Pentaho client tools include: Report Designer : Used to create formatted reports. Report Designer offers far more flexibility and functionality than the ad hoc reporting capabilities of the Pentaho User Console. Design Studio : An Eclipse-based tool that enables you to hand-edit a report or analysis view xaction file. Generally, people use Design Studio to add modifications to an existing report that cannot be added with Report Designer. Design Studio is also required to enable report scheduling, e-mail distr...