TIPS : How to Get Help from Pentaho forum 

Understanding that those of us at Pentaho are volunteering our time to help users get started with the platform, if you reach a point where reading the provided documentation and looking through the forums can't solve your problem, here's a quick best-practices way to get the most out of the forum.

Start Here:

  • Post information about your environment, operating system, whether you're using the Preconfigured Install (PCI), what application server you're running in, what jdbc driver you're using, what version of the platform you have, what version of the client tool you're running, etc. If you're using Tomcat for example, we need to know the exact version of Tomcat you're running. We also need to know the JDK version. Without all this information, we just have to turn around and ask you what you're running. This wastes our time and yours.
  • Make sure that your Subject line has useful information. Posting a subject like "Please Help Me" wastes everyone's time.
  • Please post everything you've tried - that tells us that you're trying to solve the problem yourself. This includes information like "I googled for x and didn't get anything helpful", "I found this post in the forums which seemed close to my problem" and "The advanced install guide doesn't address x".
  • If, after searching the forums and googling for your problem, you still come up short and are posting for help in the forums, you need to provide some files to us so that we have some hope of resolving your issue. These files should be placed in a .zip file:

For Issues with JBoss
  1. Your pentaho.xml
  2. The web.xml
  3. The jboss-web.xml (for JBoss issues)
  4. The related xxxx-ds.xml involved
  5. Action sequence(s) that has the problem
  6. Any resources the action sequence(s) needs - like report.xml files
  7. The server log file (server.log) that shows the problem for server issues, or stack traces from the client utility if applicable.

For issues with Tomcat
  1. Your pentaho.xml
  2. The web.xml
  3. The tomcat server.xml
  4. Action sequence(s) that has the problem
  5. Any resources the action sequence(s) needs - like report.xml files
  6. The server log files that show the problem for server issues, or stack traces from the client utility if applicable.


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