
Showing posts from 2013

Dynamic pivot tables (transform rows to columns)

Dynamic pivot tables (transform rows to columns)   in MySql there is no function of automatically table transformation. Surely we can use some program (tool), which is able to connect to MySql and execute data transformation. But in this case we want to do it manually, and we have one variant – to write a query which will execute the data rotation in the table

Transform a CDE Dasboard to be loaded in a CDF only Pentaho Server

max_allowed_packet error in mysql

Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Packet for query is too large (1434172 > 1048576). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable. The max_allowed_packet variable can be set globally by running a query. However, if you do not change it in the my.ini file (as dragon112 suggested), the value will reset when the server restarts, even if you set it globally. To change the setting for everyone until the server restarts: SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;

CDE CCC charts Property       Type Description scene pvc.visual.Scene A scene is a node in a rendering hierarchy. Rendering generally follows the shape of a scene hierarchy. Each scene contains participating datums and vars (see below).  function a(scene){  this.scene.vars.series.value                  //for retrieving series value this.scene.vars.category.value               //for retrieving category value }

Creating Dashboards with CDE

Creating Dashboards with CDE Date Input Controls/ Components in Pentaho CDE with a working example 

Dynamic coloring of PRD Charts

D3JS Dashboard

Stylesheets with Pentaho Report Designer

Pentaho Report Integration in iframe forum issue

session-region-list.xaction - ERROR-007 during login

If you get the following error message in the console: 14:02:38,763 ERROR [SolutionEngine] 89a06230-0b76-11df-b4e9-ab19d7ccef2f:SOLUTION-ENGINE:session-region-list.xaction: SolutionEngine.ERROR_0007 - Action sequence execution failed 14:03:34,760 ERROR [SolutionEngine] ab02fbe1-0b76-11df-b4e9-ab19d7ccef2f:SOLUTION-ENGINE:global-department-list.xaction: SolutionEngine.ERROR_0007 - Action sequence execution failed Solution :- Check inside this file : /pentaho-solutions/system/sessionStartupActions.xml and comment the bean that uses this deleted action. 

How to Create a Pentaho Report Using the REST Client

/reporting/reportviewer/cdf/cdf-module.js not found in plugin reporting

ERROR [GenericServlet] GenericServlet.ERROR_0004 - Resource /reporting/reportviewer/cdf/cdf-module.js not found in plugin reporting copy solutions/system/pentaho-cdf/js/cdf-module.js solutions/system/reporting/reportviewer/cdf/

upgrading Pentaho community tools CGG community graphics generator

After upgrading CGG community graphics generator from marketplace on Pentaho BI 4.8, Stop BI server and Please remember to replace all batik, xml-apis and xmlgraphics jars on WEB-INF/lib with ones on system/cgg/lib

Pentaho BI 4.8 error Upgrade to Apache Xerces

Are you running on Java 1.4 with Apache Crimson? Upgrade to Apache Xerces (or Java 1.5) for full XSD support. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unexpected exception parsing XML document from class path resource [com/auchan/core/context/applicationContext.xml]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unable to validate using XSD: Your JAXP provider [org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl@121f1d] does not support XML Schema. Are you running on Java 1.4 or below with Apache Crimson? Upgrade to Apache Xerces (or Java 1.5) for full XSD support. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unable to validate using XSD: Your JAXP provider [org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl@121f1d] does not support XML Schema. Are you running on Java 1.4 or below with Apache Crimson? Upgrade to Apache Xerces (or Java 1.5) for full XSD support.  Solution :- Just add the...

error on cdc plugin 13.02.07 at pentaho startup

Error :- 09:25:10,924 ERROR [Logger] misc-class PluginManager.ERROR_0011 - Failed to register plugin cdc org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.PlatformPluginRegistrationException: PluginManager.ERROR_0017 - Could not load lifecycle listener [pt.webdetails.cdc.CdcLifeCycleListener] for plugin cdc at at at Solution :- Copy jar files located at biserver-ce\pentaho-solutions\system\cdc\pentaho-lib to biserver-ce\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF\lib Issue will be resolve.

Changing the Java VM Memory Limits in Pentaho BI

You can find docs biserver-ce\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\docs\ Changing the Java VM Memory Limits If you are running out of memory even though your server has a lot of RAM, you probably need to increase the resources allocated to the JRE instance that runs the Pentaho software you're trying to improve performance on. Adjusting the memory limit is an easy configuration change to make, but the instructions differ depending on the client tool or Web application server you're using. Refer only to the sections below that apply to your situation. Note: If you are running multiple Pentaho programs concurrently, the sum of their JVM maximum memory limits must not exceed the available RAM minus system overhead. Increasing Memory Limits on Microsoft Windows with a Graphical Installation By default, Tomcat has a relatively low memory allotment. This can cause out-of-memory errors in the BA Server fromtime to time. The below instructions will explain how to increase the mem...

TIPS : How to Get Help from Pentaho forum  Understanding that those of us at Pentaho are volunteering our time to help users get started with the platform, if you reach a point where reading the provided documentation and looking through the forums can't solve your problem, here's a quick best-practices way to get the most out of the forum. Start Here: Post information about your environment, operating system, whether you're using the Preconfigured Install (PCI), what application server you're running in, what jdbc driver you're using, what version of the platform you have, what version of the client tool you're running, etc. If you're using Tomcat for example, we need to know the exact version of Tomcat you're running. We also need to know the JDK version. Without all this information, we just have to turn around and ask you what you're running. This wastes...

Field ‘PRIORITY’ doesn’t have a default value BI 4.8.0

ERROR [org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger] An error occured while scanning for the next trigger to Couldn’t acquire next trigger: Field ‘PRIORITY’ doesn’t have a default value [See nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'PRIORITY' doesn't have a default value] Solution :- Simply to set the DEFAULT of the column to 0 in following tables QRTZ_TRIGGERS                  COLUMN         PRIORITY          set default value 0 QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS                  COLUMN         PRIORITY          set default value 0

solu'n for error connecting quartz in pentaho BI server 4.8.0

In case you get this error Failed to obtain DB connection from data source ‘myDS’: java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve datasource via JNDI url ‘java:comp/env/jdbc/Quartz’ Solution :-  delete the following file toncat/conf/Catalina/localhost/pentaho.xml and try again.

MySQL Field Types

Mysql supports a number of column types, which may be grouped into three categories: numeric types, date and time types, and string (character) types. This section first gives an overview of the types available. Please refer to the MySQL manuals for more details.  Type Use for Size TINYINT A very small integer The signed range is – 128 to 127. The unsigned range is 0 to 255. SMALLINT A small integer The signed range is – 32768 to 32767. The unsigned range is 0 to 65535 MEDIUMINT A medium-size integer The signed range is – 8388608 to 8388607. The unsigned range is 0 to 16777215 INT or INTEGER A normal-size integer The signed range is – 2147483648 to 2147483647. The unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295 BIGINT A large integer The signed range is – 9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615 FLOAT A smal...