PENTAHO : Firefox 4: error message after login

with the new version of Firefox (4.0) i got this message after login:

Error generating XUL: Failed to parse:
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"
window width="400" hei

Those are getting above error while login through firefox 4.0 please make changes as suggested in following link


1. Shut down the BI Server and Pentaho Enteprise Console.
2. Using a search tool or advanced text editor, find all .xul files in the /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/ directory (and all of its subdirectories. This should be about two dozen files.
3. Inside each file, replace all instances of this string: with this string: Alternatively, you can do a mass find-and-replace inside all XUL files in the biserver-ee directory. Linux users can also use this sed script to do the find and replace easily from the command line. Just start in the biserver-ee directory:


  1. oh thanks for your valuable suggestion

  2. I have followed the steps and it has fixed it for me. Thanks!

  3. I get the above error only for Spanish and Portugese
    Kindly suggest.


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