
Showing posts from January, 2015

Pentaho/R Integration Plugin

Image Pentaho R Integration Plugin is used to execute R code direct from Pentaho Data Integration (PDI). R Script Plugin can be downloaded here:  Downloads Installation R script plugin can be installed by performing the following steps: 1) Copy the plugin folder (RScriptPlugin) into the folder of your PDI installation: data-integration\plugins\steps 2) Install R project from the site 3) Install rJava package in R by executing: install.packages(“rJava”) 4) Copy JRI library rJava/jri/jri.dll (windows) or rJava/jri/ (linux) to: data-integration/libswt/{your operation system} 5) Specify location of R using R_HOME environment variable. (like: C:\R\R-3.0.2). 6) For windows, it is also needed to put in PATH variable the path to R.dll, for example: C:\R\R-3.0.2\bin\{your operation system} 7) The plugin can be found under Sripting Folder in Design Tab: Note: to check the installation press Hel...