The Pentaho Directory Structure: Directory hierarchy Below is an abridged Pentaho directory structure. The purpose of this diagram is to help you easily find some of Pentaho's important files and locations, which are explained below this diagram. /pentaho ../server ../../biserver-ee ../../../data ../../../licenses ../../../pentaho-solutions ../../../tomcat ../../data-integration-server ../../../data ../../../licenses ../../../pentaho-solutions ../../../tomcat ../../enterprise-console ../design-tools ../../aggregation-designer ../../data-integration ../../design-studio ../../metadata-editor ../../report-designer ../../schema-workbench ../common ../documentation ../java ../licenses ../postgresql ../scripts Top-level files These files are found in the top-level Pentaho directory: ctlscript: ( .sh or .bat ) Starts, stops, restarts, and shows the status of Pentaho services. installation-summary.txt: Contains th...