
Showing posts from January, 2013

Pentaho Report Parameters: validate start date is before end date

You can use a Post-processing formula on a parameter to validate the paramter. A parameter can access itself and all previously defined parameters. =IF([date1] >= [date2]; NA(); [date2])

Dimension lookup error with mysql 5.6 in Pentaho Report

I updated Mysql from version 5.0 to version 5.6. The transformation works good with mysql 5.0 but Not work in 5.6 Solution :- The solution to this problem is to upgrade to MySQL connector 5.1.20 or above. Replace the current MySQL connector JAR in your kettle libext directory  Ref :-

Pentaho BI Server 3.6 in CentOS 5.3 64 bit

Don't hardcode host names, use JNDI in Pentaho

I had created lots of reports and published on Pentaho BI server. One day my Technical team told me our database server is going to changed. I am really very get tense now I have to change database details in every report that is very hectic and silly work. So that time I have in mind "Don't hardcode host names, use JNDI", my best friend google always help me & found two blogs that really very help to configure JNDI (in Pentaho called as Pentaho Datasources). JDNI is a technique to hold database connections outside of the report definition. By holding this information in a central spot, you only have to change one place and all your reports get updated. The JNDI stored connection information is stored on the computer where your report runs. This also allows you to have separate definitions based on where the report runs. Your report designer can access a local copy of your production database, while your production server uses the real database server. ...

Introducing the Pentaho Reporting compatibility mode

getting Unicode output in Eclipse Console

How to increase GROUP_CONCAT function length in MySQL GROUP_CONCAT() in a MySQL query to convert multiple rows into a single string. However, the maximum length of the result of this function is 1024 characters.  I'm very well aware that I can change the param group_concat_max_len to increase this limit: SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000 ; Above is set for SESSION SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 1000000; above is set for GLOBAL ref :-